Alright, let’s start this off honestly, this isn’t a blog about the secrets to life. There is no secret to life. That’s not a thing. This is a blog about how people go through life. But I guess that’s what all blogs are though. Everyone writing about how they experience life. The lessons they learn. The mistakes they make. The advice they have. So this will be one of the many blogs out there. I don’t know what you will find from this blog, nor do I know if you continue to read this blog. And that’s okay. 
The goal of this blog is to create a space for people to feel welcome, unjudged, and able to be themselves. I will do my best, as well as the rest of the Mindset Team, to make this a space to share strengths, weaknesses, vulnerabilities, wins, losses, and much more. 
You do not need to take a lesson out of every post (but if you do all the better and we'd love to hear about it) and if you only learn something from one thing then I'll count that as a win. And hey, maybe you don't learn anything and we would love to hear about that too. Sign up for the email list as well as follow our blog. Send us an email at, follow us on Instagram or Facebook to share your stories, chat privately, ask questions or anything you would like. If you want a story shared on the blog, send us that too and let us know you would like it public. 
Feel free to check the About page to find out more. My name is Jackie, and I’ll be the one you are hearing from unless otherwise noted. I hope you all have a beautiful day and I can’t wait to hear from you all. 
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